Selling to U.S. Military
Grocery and Commissary
DeCA Grocery / Commissary
The U.S. military grocery or commissary or store system is a global sales opportunity for food and non-food consumer packaged goods manufacturers looking to expand their sales channels. The chain of stores is operated under the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). The agency provides food and non-food consumer packed goods to active-duty military personnel, retirees and their families. DeCA stores are a core military family support element, and a valued part of military pay and benefits.

Product Categories
- Bakery
- Dairy
- Grocery
- Meat: Fresh and Packaged
- Nonfood & HBC
- Prepared Foods
- Produce & Floral
- Snacks & Candy
DeCA (Defense Commissary Agency) Quick Facts
- Operates 238 stores including 169 in the US and 69 across the globe.
- $4.6 Billion in sales
- Commissaries recognized as the #1 non-pay benefit
- Vendor Stocking-required for some categories
- Estimated that 45% of DeCA shoppers are retirees